
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2023

Juan's Life Timeline

 Hi everyone, this is my video for this week's blog a timeline with some important events in my life. That's all see you next week with a new post. :)

A day in my ordinary life

Hi, let me show you a list of things I did a few days ago.   My day wasn't too bad but I did have a lot to do. By 9:00am I had already done English Homework, it took me a long time and it was very difficult because the teacher left a lot of homework, I had to make a video, a blog and a lot of activities in the English book; The rest of the morning was spent helping my mom with some household chores. In the afternoon my girlfriend called me to accompany her to a party, so, by 5:00pm I had already gone to my girlfriend's house and I had played videogames with her. By the time I was at my girlfriend's house I realized that I hadn't yet met with my firends at a party, so i did it when i gone to the party with my girlfriend. I spent the rest of the night watching my favorite series on netflix and went to sleep. That's all see you next week with a new post. :)

Cultures Around the World: The Chinese

Globalization opened up the world and let people from different parts of the world enjoy what other cultures had to offer. It’s interesting, isn’t it? people can learn different languages and assimilate different types of cultures in the world into their daily lives, thus creating a new way of doing things. Different cultures of the world have specific ways of doing things that may seem strange to others. From a global perspective, there are traditional cultures that stand out because they have their roots in ancient civilizations, do you think of any? There are a lot of civilizations, aren’t there? Among the examples of different cultures of the world, the one I liked the most is the following: The Chinese The Chinese culture is among the oldest cultures around the world, hence its rich history and traditions. This interesting culture dating back thousands of years has a great influence on philosophy, etiquette, art, and moral values, you didn’t know, did you? Also, do you know how pe