Mini - Conversations


Location: At an office

Verb to be:

A: I wonder if you are the new marketing manager. B: Yes, I am.

Present simple:

A: Do you know where the meeting room is? B: It's on the second floor, right next to the break room.

Past tense:

A: Did you finish the presentation that you were working on yesterday? B: Yes, I did. I sent it to you this morning.

Verb "can":

A: Can you help me with this report? B: Sure, I'd be happy to help.

Yes/no questions:

A: Are you available to meet with me this afternoon? B: Yes, I am.

Information questions:

A: What time is the meeting tomorrow? B: It's at 10am.

Location: At a restaurant

Verb to be:

A: I wonder if this table is taken. B: No, it's not. You're welcome to sit here.

Present simple:

A: Do you know what the special of the day is? B: Yes, it's the grilled salmon with roasted vegetables.

Past tense:

A: Did you enjoy your meal? B: Yes, I did. It was delicious.

Verb "can":

A: Can I get a glass of water with my meal? B: Sure, of course.

Yes/no questions:

A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, I am.

Information questions:

A: What kind of wine do you recommend with the salmon? B: I would recommend the chardonnay. It's a light, refreshing wine that pairs well with the salmon.

Location: At a grocery store

Verb to be:

A: I wonder if you have any bananas in stock. B: Yes, we do. They're in the produce section.

Present simple:

A: Do you know where the milk is? B: It's in the dairy aisle, next to the eggs.

Past tense:

A: Did you find everything you were looking for? B: Yes, I did. Thank you for your help.

Verb "can":

A: Can I get a bag for these groceries? B: Sure, I'll get one for you.

Yes/no questions:

A: Are you open late tonight? B: Yes, we are. We're open until 10pm.

Information questions:

A: What's the sale price on the chicken? B: It's on sale for $2.99 a pound.

Location: Hospital

Verb to be:

A: I wonder if this is the right room for my appointment. B: Yes, it is. You're here to see Dr. Smith, right?

Present simple:

A: Do you know how long I'll have to wait? B: It shouldn't be too long. Dr. Smith is usually running on time today.

Past tense:

A: Did you have a good day yesterday? B: Yes, I did. It was a busy day, but it was also very rewarding.

Verb "can":

A: Can you please tell me where the restroom is? B: Sure, it's down the hall and to the right.

Yes/no questions:

A: Are you allowed to eat in the waiting room? B: Yes, you are. As long as it's not something that will make you sick.

Information questions:

A: What time is Dr. Smith's next appointment? B: It's at 11:30am.

Location: Airport

Verb to be:

A: I wonder if this is the right gate for my flight. B: Yes, it is. Your flight is boarding now.

Present simple:

A: Do you know where the security checkpoint is? B: It's over there, to the left.

Past tense:

A: Did you have a good flight? B: Yes, I did. It was a little bumpy, but overall it was fine.

Verb "can":

A: Can I please get a boarding pass for my flight? B: Sure, I'll help you with that.

Yes/no questions:

A: Are carry-on bags allowed? B: Yes, they are. As long as they fit under the seat in front of you.

Information questions:

A: What time is my flight? B: Your flight is at 10:30am.


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